AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM

  About the Fund

AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM

The AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM (the “Index”) is designed to maximize returns by delivering efficient and well-diversified exposure to global equity and fixed income markets. The Index utilizes a styles-based methodology designed to systematically identify securities and other investment instruments expected to perform well in changing markets. It applies the power of data and technology to principles of economics and behavioral finance in an effort to harness returns.

Video Introduction

In this video introduction, we outline the key features of the AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index, a styles based approach within a fixed index annuity.

Key Features of the AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM

Multi-Style Building Blocks
Styles are factors or characteristics that the Index uses to allocate assets. They provide a consistent and repeatable way to identify drivers of return that tend to be uncorrelated. Their combination is designed to increase the overall efficiency and performance of
the Index.
Global Diversification Across Equities and Fixed Income
The Index provides broad exposure across geographies, markets, industries and asset classes which helps to diversify risk and creates multiple sources of return.
Potential For Higher Returns and Lower Risk
The Index is designed to capture upward trends while targeting a consistent level of volatility. This approach is designed to produce positive returns with a smoother, less volatile ride.
  Historical Data

Historical Data

As of February 13, 2025

Time Range

Daily MTD YTD 1YR Since Hypothetical Inception
AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index 0.35% 0.64% 2.16% 2.76% 3.03%
AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index
Daily 0.35%
MTD 0.64%
YTD 2.16%
1YR 2.76%
Since Hypothetical Inception 3.03%

Hypothetical Data Prior to 05/18/2020

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Source AQR. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only.  It is intended to show the performance of the AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index if it had existed from the hypothetical inception date of 01/04/2005 through 05/17/2020.  The index incepted on 05/18/2020. Levels for the index before 05/18/2020 represent hypothetical data determined by retroactive application of a back-tested model, itself designed with the benefit of hindsight. Returns for the AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index are net of an annual fee. The index is an "excess returns" index and not a "total return" index because it does not reflect interest that could be earned on funds notionally committed to the trading of futures contracts. Individuals cannot invest directly in an index.


Hypothetical Data Prior to 05/18/2020

Allocations are subject to change.

Asset Class Weights (Historically)

Exposures as of January 31, 2025

Hypothetical Data Prior to 05/18/2020

Source AQR. This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. It is intended to show the exposures of the AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM if it had existed from the hypothetical inception date of 01/04/2005 through 05/17/2020. The index incepted on 05/18/2020. Levels for the Index before 05/18/2020 represent hypothetical data determined by retroactive application of a back-tested model, itself designed with the benefit of hindsight. Specific exposures and asset classes are subject to change at any time without notice.


Stocks and bonds are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. International stocks that provide exposure to foreign markets involve special risks, such as currency fluctuations, differing financial reporting and regulatory standards, and economic and political instability. These risks are highlighted when stocks are from emerging markets. Stocks of small-cap companies are generally more volatile and not as readily marketable as those of larger companies. Government bonds and Treasury bills are subject to interest rate risk, but they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government if held to maturity. The repayment of principal and interest of a corporate bond are guaranteed by the issuing company, and subject to default and credit risks. Indices are unmanaged and not available for direct investment. Please discuss with your financial professional or agent the benefits and risks of these securities.

Index Methodology

The AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM (the “Index”) is a long only index providing exposure to futures on third-party equity indices primarily comprised of large-cap securities of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers from developed markets, and exposure to futures on U.S. and non-U.S. developed government fixed income securities.  The Index will target an average of 40% equity and 60% fixed income weighting over the long-term.  The exposures of the Index to equity and fixed income will vary based on a rules-based methodology that allocates to equity and fixed income based on several well-known investment styles, with the potential for substantially different weightings from the 40/60 target depending on both market conditions and the attractiveness of each asset according to signals within the Index methodology.

“AQR” and the AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index are trademarks or service marks of AQR Capital Management, LLC or one of its affiliates (“AQR”) and have been licensed for use by American General Life Insurance Company (the “Company”) for use as a benchmark for an annuity (inclusive of all applicable riders, the “Product”). The Product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by AQR, its affiliates, nor the calculation agent, and they do not provide any investment advice to the Company with respect to the Product or to owners of the Product, nor do they make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Product or obtaining exposure to the Index. The Index is constructed without regard to the investment needs or suitability of the Company, the Product, or any Product owners.  AQR and the Index’s calculation agent have no obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to, and make no representations regarding, the Product. AQR makes no representation regarding the ability of the Index to achieve its goals and disclaims all express or implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use, in connection with the Index, including, without limitation, any results to be obtained by tracking the Index.  Neither AQR nor the Index’s Calculation Agent guarantees the accuracy or completeness of the Index. NONE OF AQR OR ITS AFFILIATES SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSION OR INTERRUPTIONS OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN OR FOR THE PRODUCT. 

The index is independently calculated by a third-party calculation agent.

The AQR DynamiQ Allocation Index methodology adjusts exposures to achieve a volatility target. It is possible that the index could realize a volatility greater or less than its target.

Hypothetical and simulated examples have many inherent limitations and are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. There are frequently sharp differences between simulated results and the actual results. There are numerous factors related to the markets in general or the implementation of any specific investment strategy, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of simulated results and all of which can adversely affect actual results. No representation is being made that any account, product, or strategy will or is likely to achieve profits, losses, or results similar to those shown.

The AQR DynamiQ Allocation IndexSM (the “Index”) embeds an annual index cost in the calculations of the change in index value. This embedded index cost will reduce any change in index value, and it funds certain operational and licensing costs for the Index. Since it will affect the return of the Index, it may also impact the amount of interest credited to an index annuity; however, it is not a fee paid by the policy owner or received by the issuing insurance company. 

Individuals cannot invest directly in an index.

This website and its contents have been provided to you solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer or any advice or recommendation to purchase any securities or other financial instruments and may not be construed as such. Any use of the information or data for commercial purposes or design of products is prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized person of AQR.